Abstracts (download)
Below you can download the abstracts for the BioSB 2015 conference as PDF-files. Abstract will also be made available through a conference app. More information will follow shortly:
Abstracts of the presentations in the parallel sessions of the conference programme on May 20:
- Presentations (PDF file, 5.2 MB)
Abstracts of the presentations in the parallel sessions of the conference programme on May 21:
- Presentations (PDF file, 3.9 MB)
Abstracts of the posters presented during the poster session planned on May 20, 18:30 - 21:00 h:
- Poster list by number (without abstracts) (PDF file, 214 KB)
- Poster list by title (without abstracts) (PDF file, 211 KB)
- Posters (PDF file, 18.8 MB!)
Abstracts of demo's presented during the application showcase planned on May 20, 19:00 - 21:00 h:
- Demo's (PDF file, 840 KB)
Other information
During this conference, participants may be eligible for three awards.
- The winner of the BioSB Young Investigator Award will receive a prize of €250;
- The best oral presentation will be awarded a prize of €150 (submission closed);
- The best poster or demo will be awarded a prize of €100 (submission deadline April 27).
More information about the awards can be found here.
Abstract preparation
Please prepare a 1-page abstract in PDF. The format should be A4 paper, use Times Roman (10pt) and contain two columns separated by 0.5 cm whitespace with margins of 2 cm. Please specify a title, the authors and their affiliations and e-mail addresses. Use section headings “Introduction”, “Materials & Methods”, “Results” and “Discussion”. A page number should be omitted. If possible, please use the Word or LaTeX template provided. An example abstract can be found here.
You can submit your abstract via the EasyChair abstract submission system. If you do not already have an account, you will be prompted to create one the first time you visit EasyChair. When submitting, please also provide the abstract in the “Abstract” text box and upload the PDF as the paper.
During submission of abstracts for the BioSB 2015 main conference you can indicate if you would like to present your abstract as a poster or a demo at the Poster session and Application showcase that is planned on May 20 during the conference dinner. The submission option for an oral presentation cannot be used. If you do select this option, your abstract will be ignored.
The number of demos that can be presented is limited; if the number of submitted demo's is too high, a review committee will make a selection.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the BioSB 2015 Programme committee or one of the topical track committees. You will receive a notification by e-mail.
Submission topics
Below you can find the list of topics/tracks for which you can submit your abstract:
- Metabolism
- Gene regulation
- Networks & Data integration
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Bioinf & SysBio in practice: industrial and medical applications (industry track)
- Statistics & modeling
- Genotype/phenotype & disease
- Proteomics
- Whole-cell modeling / multi-scale modeling / genome-scale modeling
- Metagenomics topical track
- NSBM Spring meeting 2015 (biomolecular modeling track)
Topics for abstract submissions for the NSBM Spring meeting, Metagenomics topical track can be found on the related webpages.
BioSB Young Investigator Award
This award is open to any researcher who has significantly contributed to bioinformatics or the bioinformatics community in the Netherlands. The candidate must have conducted his/her research primarily in a Dutch institute. Click here to find more information about criteria, procedure and the Award Committee.
BioSB 2015
Femke Francissenevents@health-ri.nl
Femke Francissenevents@health-ri.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/biosb2015
BioSB 2015BioSB 20150.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference Centre De WereltConference Centre De WereltWesthofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren Netherlands